
LiveBot: LiveHelp® virtual assistant perfectly integrated with the real chat

Customers like to use different communication channels - self-service, voice, digital channels and social networks - to interact with customer services, and they often start the interaction online.

According to Forrester research "Trends 2016: The Future Of Customer", 84% of American online shoppers use "frequently asked questions" like a support channel.
LiveBot is the answer to this need for autonomy: a virtual assistant integrated with live chat, born from a dissertation about a new conversational engine.

Thanks to LiveBot solution, web visitors interact with an interface that simulates human interaction. A few tricks create the right welcome for the customer, and it is always possible to switch to the human level.

The user searchs and finds through frequently asked questions, advanced knowledge base and online documents. In a few exchanges you get to the correct answer, and the machine learning systems drastically accelerates deployment times. At the same time, LiveBot ensures uniformity and control over the answers compared to human agents.

The chatbot presence as a first touchpoint dramatically cuts down maangement costs and staff time in repetitive tasks.

At the end, the user can leave his feedback, save the conversation with the chatbot, send it to his e-mail or even print it.
Layout and answers/questions management is included into LiveHelp® dashboard and can be managed based on templates already set up.

With LiveHelp® the chatbot can speak with Alexa and Google Home, the voice assistants of Google and Amazon.

In this way, a new frontier of the AI has been overcome and the relationship with the Bot becomes flowing and emotional.

We realized an integration between our chatbot and the most popular voice assistants in commerce.
Users can interact with Amazon Alexa and Google Home to ask information to the customer service of a company, to book an appointment or to request assistance.

Thanks to the new Self Generated Content function, the agents can suggest new contents in order to enrich the intelligence of the chatbot.

An integration that gives even more personality to the chatbot of each company and guarantees automatic answers even more complete, for the best customer satisfaction.

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